INTERN APPLICATIONGROW & SERVE Name * First Name Last Name Email * Leadership What is a leader? * Would you describe yourself as a leader? * Character Top 2 character strengths. * Top 2 character weaknesses. * What do you believe to be true about yourself? * What is something you think about yourself that no-one else does? * Spiritual Briefly describe your faith background. * What are your spiritual habits? * What are your goals for spiritual growth? * Responsibility What does commitment mean? * How do you handle confrontation with your peers? * What do you think about accountability towards your leaders, managers, bosses? * Position What position(s) are you interested in serving this year? * Choose all that interest you. Interviews Ignite Enrichment Initiatives How are you most qualified to serve in this position? * Describe your work ethic. * Emotional Have you ever had thoughts of suicide? Self-harm behaviors? * Yes No If yes, please list approximate dates and reasons. Information remains confidential with Directors only. Have you ever talked with a psychiatric, psychologist, counselor or other mental professional? * Yes No If yes, please list approximate dates and reasons. Information remains confidential with Directors only. Thank you for your interest in being a SWAT Intern! You will hear from us within two weeks with next steps for interviewing.